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Types of user · Services · Types of user · Portal CDT



There are three types of CDT’s users:

-Teatroteca’s users  upon registration. This type of user can only view performances in the Teatroteca’s webpage by online lending.

-General users: access to Teatroteca and the rest of CDT’s services.

 -Professional users and researchers: access the Teatroteca and the rest of CDAEM’s services.

Due to the high number of petitions of loans of the Teatroteca, we set in motion the campaign 1/1/1: each user, regardless his type of user, we will be able to borrow a video for a day from the Teatroteca’s catalog. Once it is returned, such user we will be able to do a new loan.


All Spanish citizens and foreigners (with passport no. and over 18 years) interested in the performing arts can access the lending services of online videos (Teatroteca).

Attention: if you are already a general user –professional or researcher- or you intend to become one, you do not need to register, since this type of user can access the Teatroteca.

Registration allows to:

View all videos of performances included in the Teatroteca’s webpage by free online lending (you cannot access other services of the CDT).

How it works:

  • 1. Click on the link below. Fill in the application form. Click “send” and you will receive your username and password.
  • 2. Click on “Back to Teatroteca”. Once there, go to “My account” and enter your keywords.
  • 3. You can already search the performance you wish and enjoy. After 48 hours, the video will not be available in your computer. The loan is limited to one video per user every time and for a maximum period of 48 hours. You can return a video at any time within the 48 hours. Read through the terms and conditions in the registration webpage.



This type of user can access to Teatroteca and borrow books, electronic resources and DVD recordings, according to the following conditions:

- 2 books + digital resources and 2 DVD.

- For a 15-day period (with an optional 7-day extension period).

- Access to Teatroteca (3 videos for 5 days).

Who can register as a general user?:

  • Teachers of pre-university educational levels.
  • University students of degrees related to the arts in any of their forms.
  • Students registered in courses or studies specifically focused on the professionalisation in performing arts.
  • Students of the Instituto Cervantes.
  • Individuals who show proof of membership to groups and companies of performing arts legally established and with school-, university-oriented purposes or amateur-oriented purposes.



This type of user can access the Teatroteca and borrow books, electronic resources and DVD recordings, according to the following conditions:

- 4 books + digital resources and 4 DVD.

- For a 30-day period (with an optional extension period of 15 days).

- Access the Teatroteca (3 videos for 5 days).

Who can register as a professional user or researcher?:

  • Professionals of the performing arts (authors, performers, directors, musicians, stage designers, figurine makers, light technicians, producers, distributors,...).
  • Teachers of university, conservatoires, drama schools, music schools, dance school and circus schools officially accredited; teachers and researchers of CSIC, Instituto Cervantes, information centers and similar Spanish or foreign institutions.
  • Members or representatives of professional associations of the performing arts or audiovisual industry.
  • Members of the Academia de Artes Escénicas (Performing Arts Academy), as well as of the rest of national Academies, the Consejo Estatal de las Artes Escénicas y la Música (State Council for the Performing Arts and the Music) and similar institutions.
  • PhD students in any field related to the performing arts.



Valid documents to specifically credit as a general user, professional or researcher:

- University pass –as a student or teacher- related to the studies mentioned above.

- Card of membership to any of the professional associations of the performing arts or audiovisual industry.

- Teacher card.

- Tuition bill of studies on the performing arts or on courses of the Instituto Cervantes.

- If you are a performing arts professional but you are not a member of any association: program of the play or any similar document mentioning your activity is required.


To see details on the lending policy, intellectual property or how to make a reservation, collect or return documents, click here.

Document Actions


Our research room has multimedia computer equipment and audiovisual cabins. Here you can consult any of the CDT collections..


Contact us to consult our databases, along with reproduction and lending services.

Lending Service

To access the books and recordings lending service, you must be registered in the CDT User Database.


The CDT provides users with a reproduction service of documents currently in our collections.